According to the attendance statistics of course teachers, the following students (see Annex 1) showed varying degrees of truancy. According to the disciplinary measures for ZUFE international students, the students who are absent from class will be given a punishment of Criticism .We hope that these students can seriously reflect, actively correct mistakes, consciously maintain good teaching order and classroom discipline; other students should take this as a warning, strictly abide by the relevant provisions of the school, and consciously develop good learning habits.
1.员工一学期旷课累计达 10-19 学时,给予警告处分;
2.旷课累计达 20-29 学时,给予严重警告处分;
3.旷课累计达30-39 学时,给予记过处分;
4.旷课累计达 40 学时及以上者,给予留校察看处分。
5.一学期平均到课率低于 70%者,视情节轻重,给予严重警告直至开除学籍处分。
Absent from class without permission, following punishment will be given:
1.Absent from class for 10 - 19 class hours, warning will be given.
2. Absent from class for 20-29 class hours, serious warning will be given.
3. Absent from class for 30-39 class hours, record a demerit will be given.
4. Absent from class more than 40 class hours, observation at school will be given.
5. If the average attendance rate in one semester less than 70%, repeatedly punished for absence and make no rectification after education, exclude will be given.